Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fade Away….

I never thought I would see this day
I never thought I would feel this way,
You were my life.. Yet so much more
My friend, my lover once, is now unknown.

And what hurts the most is I now know what I lost... and I'm alone.
Feeling afraid, cold and lonely

should I back away and build a wall,
and block away how I feel?
May be we both need some time to heal.
You were nice and happy... Close to me
What made you change? So much
That you fail to understand me
You say that you love me and that’s for ever
When I long to tell you how I feel,

you don’t want to hear me.
Would this remain the same forever?
Or would you be back as you were before?

Should I wait…. Or just fade away…

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


My heart aches just as the day you hurt me
My tears fall as if u betrayed me just yesterday
I never did anything to hurt you, yet you didn’t give a fuck about my feelings
All I want to know is why?
You laughed when you knew that I was in tears,
I was the best friend that you could have ever asked for
You continued to make me cry and feel worthless.
My tears come from deep within my soul.
I cried so long
I cried, while you were away and never cared
And u called yourself as my love?
I trusted you, I called you my life
I loved you more than anyone could ever do
I was always by your side.
I never did anything to hurt you, yet u hurt me more than my heart could take
All I want to know is why?
To tell you the truth
I miss us talking all night long about nothing and everything.
I miss you always being there to hear my pain.
I miss the way that you never judged me or looked down upon me.
I miss the fact that I thought you loved me and that you would never hurt me.
I never did anything to hurt you, yet you hurt me for all my life
All I want to know is why?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Endless Love

I love you so deeply,
I love the sound of your voice
You are perfect to me in every single way.
I love your warm smile and your kind
The joy that you bring to my life every day
You are perfect to me, with everything you do.
I love you today, and I'll love you forever with all of my heart
because there is no life without your love in my heart
You are perfect to me, in the way you act.
Let my dream come true to garland you as a perfect man
Having you in my life is what I want for ever.
The smiles you share, the loving words you tell me
How you have touched my life and made me who I am
No words I can write and say, how much I love you
And how much you are mean to me.
Always, I want to share all my love with you
because I found in you my endless love.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Should I question why am I here?
Do I have a purpose to live?
I think and roll merry Jane
Try to dream which I never seen.
Alone to cry and alone to frown
Alone to discover who I am?
I lost my morning dew,
But no one has any clue
All night I feel deeply sick
I gulp a beer then I get silly kick
Is this what I looked forward?
Without any answer I wander.
I look at mirror but don’t see inside me
It’s all darkness which not suppose to be
There's more to this, I’ll tell you that for sure,
There's something here or I just might die.

With Me

You will always be with me
Trust me once and believe in what I say.
If you see inside my soul,
You would know how I long for you
In always ways you comfort me,
It’s not just the reason I love you
I love you the way you are.
I could search the whole world over
I will never find another love
Like the love I find in you
So if you could see inside my soul
You would know I am blessed
Because I have you here with me

Eternal love

An unspoken love that couldn’t been seen
Unites two hearts with only a dream
It’s a destined encounter which never took place
Commended our love but left no trace
Our language of true love is forever
That’s why our love goes anywhere
You're out of reach but I'm very far behind
To dream of you and you being mine forever
Our bond is blessed and worshipped from afar
Can no longer be seen but written in the stars

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I wish I was someone,
To see why I m hurt so badly?
I m drowning in my tears
With the silence on my face.
Lonely and cold I lay in my room,
Thinking why am I alone?
I roll and run on grass
Lost in thought inside my head
Slowly sorting fact from world of madness.
I can’t express my strong emotions
They are buried in the grave.
I’m dizzy with grief just feeling so dead
Would I feel the same all my way?
Would there be no answer for all I say?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I am Scared in this world
Alone I stay in dark.
I pray alone to survive
I am scared I may not survive.
I wake up one day and I decide to touch the sky
I am scared I may not reach the sky
I don’t know what I am doing
Or what I should have done
Thinking again I get scared.
I walk thousands mile
But I don’t think for a while.
I alone stare at sky
For no reason why?
I walk with broken heart
With tears filled in my eye and sadness on my face
I am scared I may again cry.
I don’t know where I go and what I do
I am insane in this bad world
I am not scared that I will die.


Touch my heart you will feel, listen to my breath you will listen
Look into me you would know you’re a special part of me
I m not strong without your love
When everything seems to go wrong
You lift me up with the hug of yours
Make me believe in life again
I carve for your love, strive for it, fight for it and I would die
The day I find I know I m complete.
You just took me the way I m, never asked anything in return
Your love ever be
Regardless of what that may mean to me
My heart is weakened and my senses still numb
Yet still I smile when you hold me tight
Your Love is like a gentle breeze
That cascades through entire being.
You touched my hand and lit a spark in my body,
You stared into my eyes and saw straight into my soul,
You put your arms around me and I was finally complete.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Me And You

Me and you Friends at first
Been close very emotional
Then I realized I am in love with you
But a friend was what I agreed to be.
Emotions you gave to me
I could never let be
I knew what I thought was right.
When confessed I Love you, was the happiest moment
I never felt it before, under any circumstance
You showed me joy and love
That I ever hoped before...
Me and You in love for ever.
You and I know lots of thorns on our way
Still we would walk together on that way
No matter how less time we spent
We never know how long
The eternal bond will last forever
I and you tied for ever!


Love is a feeling that’s sweet
Love is a feeling that cannot beat
Love is me and Love is you.
Love is emotion that we feel deep inside
Love is the understanding between us
Love is amenity, did you live it?
Love is a shock, did you suffer it..?
Love is a promise, did you swear for it?
Love is respect, love is dreams
Love is two souls; me and you.
God made love and we felt it
Love is kind, love is gentle
Love is if you have a special someone and I have you.
Love is truth and selfless
Love is unconditional just like mine and yours.


When I think of you I get sick
When I think of you I am scared to death
When I see you, I want to run away from the look in your eyes
When you stare at me I will turn back
Forget all the moments we have had.
Why did u lie you will be my best friend for ever,
When you wanted to leave me alone.
Why did you lie you will be there for me,
When you knew you will go your way.
It was so beautiful to be with you
Everyday we laughed, without any pain
When you got new ones, you laughed with them
Giving me all the pain.
I am a fool still I think of you
I am a fool still I crave for you
I moved away from you, just like you asked
Why you pushed me away keeping my soul with you
I remember it was perfect, the friendship that we had had
But soon we suffocated and everything turned bad
Deep down it hurts me and you that we won't talk again
So we hide it with our anger, it conceals all of our pain
I still feel sick, I m still scared to death
I would still run away,
Because of you!


I remember the time we spent
I remember the days we laughed
I start to think about all we had
I think I have to walk on losing my sight
What changed your mind?
What keeps you blind?
Why have you changed so fast?
At last you left me behind.
My heart will cry, my soul may die
Still I m alone deep inside
I confess you’re my never ending love
You’re the one I love for ever
I don’t care even if I m hurt inside
Why do I have to cry all the night?
Why do I have to get psyched?
I know I am all alone
Still I would survive.

Broken heart

I was broke, my heart was shattered
In the depth of sorrow and hatred
I found no ways, no rays
Life seems to be a desert, burning me always
I walk alone in search of peace
Found only pain with no gain
Trusted you all this while
Walked besides with all my hopes
Never realized it’s just a dream.
I made u laugh, I showed you love
Making me cry, u shattered my love
I was broke, my heart was shattered
In the depth of sorrow and hatred.
I am scared still I survived
For no reason as in why?
Tears slowly ran down my face
I would live even though I meant to die
My trust caught rust
Soul was killed by beast like u
Still I would survive, asking a question to myself y?
I was broke, my heart was shattered
In the depth of sorrow and hatred
Never make a mistake seeing u again
I know it will hurt me with all the pain
I would walk alone all my way
May be one day I would see a ray……
It’s Just a broken heart, you go your way
Don’t ask y. I am happy this way.

Friday, June 29, 2007


I feel I want to die
But I don’t know why?
Around me everything looks sad
I feel this world is bad.
Deep inside my heart I feel blood stopped flowing
Is that because I feel I m dieing.
I know I can’t talk and I can’t relate
I know I can’t cry because my eyes are dry.
No taught run in my mind
I feel I have become insane
Should I call this life?
Do I really need to live?
No I decide I will die.


I see darkness in me
I feel I have lost the battle
The fire has died, my light blown away
By an unwanted breeze...
I feel only silence, it’s a maddening silence
It is suffocating, draining my brain
The emptiness is within me, killing me whole,
Leaving nothing left but an empty soul.
Whom do I search for? What shall I question?
I find no answer anywhere.
Question asked do u understand me,
I say yes, but whom would I question?
I question my supreme,
Do I not sincerely and deeply love them?
Why do they then hurt me so often,
If not always?
My mind is clear, but not my heart
But no matter what happens
My feelings are still enclosed
Questioning me
Is this darkness an end of me?